Sep 7, 2008

Welcome to my blog. Congratulations. You've arrived.

The thing I love most about the fashion industry is that it's constantly evolving. Change is constant- and everything "new" inevitably gives way to something even better. Whether it's a fresh color palette, a new fabric or even a spin on an old favorite, I love it all. I have been in love with fashion as long as I can remember. It's always been what I wanted to do when I "grew up". As a child I spent my free time drafting princess outfits on sketch pads and during junior high I spent my summers studying Fashion at the Seattle OSC in the Fashion Marketing program putting together trend boards. In high school I took fashion courses at the local community college and participated in DECA to learn business skills. I seized any opportunity to immerse myself into the world of fashion- including serving on the Nordstrom Fashion Board my Senior Year in High School so that I could give feedback on product carried in their stores and work at special events. I truly loved every aspect of the industry from putting together marketing plans to interacting directly with customers on the sales floor. During college while I was earning my AAA degree in Fashion Marketing I worked in retail at a Juniors boutique called Juxtapose.

By the time I was 22 - I wanted to "retire" from retail (or at least the sales floor) and I took a job working for a Seattle based retailer doing production for their private label clothing lines. Outside of that gig I was also co-producing a runway fashion show in Seattle called Fashion First that focused on featuring independent designers and boutiques from all over the city. This past year was my 5th year co-producing the show and I'm pleased to announce that we had another sell-out show.

My experience in the industry is diverse and that's why I decided to start a fashion blog. Experience equals perspective and that's exactly what I feel I can provide to fashion lovers everywhere. I've had the opportunity to see multiple sides of the industry and I can share my insight and expertise with all of you.

I hope you enjoy my blog.

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