2017 will be the year I look back on and fondly remember as the year I finally embraced my own health and wellness. For the past few months, I've been slowly getting back into shape at Ian Fitness doing high-intensity interval training workouts and I'm always on the hunt for fun ways to mix up my routine. For years now I've been hearing about SoulCycle, wondering what type of spin class could possibly be so exhilarating that it's developed a cult following. "You just need to go!" said one friend. "Trust me, it's an insane experience." said another. So when SoulCycle opened its doors in Bellevue and my friend Julia from Style & Cheek invited me to check out a free class, I instantly said yes.
For those of you who are new to SoulCycle, the learning curve can be steep. You arrive, sign in at the front desk to receive your bike number, rent cycle shoes for a nominal $3.00 fee, then store your stuff in a locker before heading into class. The spin room is dark, which makes for a cool night club-style vibe- essential to getting lost in your workout. On the flip side, the darkness is somewhat terrifying for first-time riders who have no idea how to find their bike, how to adjust it, and most importantly, how to "snap in". Fortunately, the SoulCycle team spotted me instantly and swooped in to help adjust my bike and get my shoes snapped into the pedals. By the time I got my bike set up the instructor was already a few minutes into the warm-up, but I had no problem catching up.
So picture this: you're in a dark room, with *amazing* music, surrounded by your Soul Cycle sisters, pedaling like a maniac, sweating like crazy, and most importantly, you're smiling. In the dark. Because it's such a high. And that my friends, is the magic of SoulCycle. I can definitely see why people are instantly hooked after their first ride.
The instructors are amazing, literally glowing in the dark because of the lights illuminating their platforms. I was incredibly inspired by Britt, who had an epic playlist and amazing energy. Her positive mantras kept riders focused on feeling the music and having fun. It was a full body workout. Sure, there were points when I was sure I couldn't go on, but Britt made me feel like my pace was the perfect pace and that I could face any challenge that got in my way. SoulCycle is all about riding with your tribe, pushing through together, and savoring the experience. I highly recommend checking out a class. If I survived, you can too!
A few things to know before you go:
- The ideal outfit for spin class consists of a sports bra, tank top, and leggings. Too many layers may restrict your movement and it gets really hot, really fast in class.
- Drink plenty of water before you ride and during class. You'll be sweating like crazy so it's important to rehydrate.
- Easy parking is available at Lincoln Center.
- To celebrate the second weekend of being open in Bellevue, SoulCycle is having a complimentary yogurt bar at the studio on Saturday 1/28 to give riders a delicious way to refuel after class.
- Classes can be booked each week starting on Monday at noon.
Ready to experience SoulCycle? Buy a BLVU Soul Starter Pack which gets you 3 classes for $60, available for a limited time only. To take advantage of this grand opening offer call the studio at 425.786.0004 or stop by the front desk. You can also keep up with the Bellevue Soul Cycle studio on their Facebook Fan page to hear about studio news and community events.
SoulCycle Bellevue
10470 NE 4th St.
Bellevue, WA 98004