Amanda Rosenthal, a self-described fashion junkie opened up Seattle boutique La Rousse back in 2005. (The name “La Rousse” is French for “female redhead” and coincidentally Amanda has red hair.) The business flourished and quickly became known as one of Seattle’s best boutiques and meanwhile, Seattle fashionistas fell in love with Amanda’s fresh perspective on personal style and her commitment to showcasing up-and-coming designers. It wasn’t until last fall when the economy took a turn for the worst that La Rousse closed their brick and mortar store in favor of a hip online boutique. “There are so many reasons why I decided to move my boutique online,” says Amanda, “Business trends were showing that E-commerce was growing, my son Graydon was born and my lease was up.” It all seemed like a natural progression for La Rousse and for Amanda the flexible hours and option of spending more time at home with her son sealed the deal.

The current promotion that has been creating a lot of buzz is the$19 denim grab bag which lets customers pick from two categories: “Skinny and Straight Leg” or “Boot Cut & Flare”. From there, the La Rousse team selects a pair of premium denim from brands like Blank, Del Forte, Grey Ant, Karen Walker, SaddleLites, or Tag. It’s a gamble because you don’t know what you’re going to get, but for $19 how can you go wrong? The surprise is half the fun! Scoring a pair of premium denim for under twenty bucks is priceless!

You can also check out La Rousse at their quarterly Spa Noir events featuring 20% off La Rousse merchandise and discounts on Spa Noir retail products. You’ll get a sneak peak at vintage fashion not available online, plus apparel and accessories that are affordable and one-of-a-kind. The next La Rousse + Spa Noir event is June 7th from 11am-1pm.