Jun 8, 2020

How to Make Change

The events of the past week have been difficult to watch and yet critical to witness if we truly want to move toward shaping a better world. We have a lot of work to do in this country to end racism. The first step for many is perhaps acknowledging that it exists and to see the many ways we are privileged by the color of our skin. We each have an obligation to acknowledge how racism disproportionately impacts the black community. Now is the time to show up, do the work, educate ourselves, and fight for systematic change.

Many of you are tired, overwhelmed, and feeling paralyzed because the problem seems too big, and it is. But we have to begin. We have to begin speaking up, educating ourselves, doing the work, and being held accountable for our actions. Last week, mental health therapist Alishia McCullough and dietitian + activist Jessica Wilson put together a great list of calls to action. Here are a few that stood out to me as a creative:

  • Fund projects, books, and podcasts created by black people
  • Use your privilege and connections to provide space and equipment for black people to host events and conferences
  • Center the experiences of black people in conversations about social justice and body liberation
  • Hold people accountable for long-term changes

There are so many things we can do as creatives to amplify black voices and give them access to opportunities. Many influencers work with a vast network of brands. Why not leverage those relationships to start conversations with brands about how they can diversify their social media feeds and pay black content creators or allocate shelf space to black designers? Aurora James of sustainable fashion brand Brother Vellies recently created the 15% pledge asking retailers to dedicate 15% of their shelf space to black-owned businesses. I encourage you to sign the pledge and start conversations with your favorite brands about what they are doing to ensure black artists, creators, and businesses are part of their product mix and represented in their organization in meaningful ways. 

Here are some things you can do today:

  • Examine your own biases and work to dismantle them. 
  • Have hard conversations with your friends, family, and employers about systematic racism in America. Silence is violence and avoiding these conversations will only perpetuate the cycle. Speak. Educate. Fight for change. 
  • Don't just read books, listen to podcasts, and continue to consume content in your quest to be anti-racist. DO 👏 THE 👏 WORK. 
  • Use your platforms and places of access to ensure that black voices are amplified and that their experiences are widely shared. 
  • Diversify your feed. Follow black content creators, business owners, and activists. Listen to their stories. Get to know them. Get involved. 
  • Keep showing up to fight for change, not just today, but every day. 

I invite you to harness the emotions of the past week and use them to fuel your work toward meaningful change. We have to dismantle the systems that continue to oppress communities of color and rebuild them in a more equitable way. I am here for you and ready to do the work alongside you to create a brighter future that is filled with love and possibility for all.

Photo credit: Demri Rayanne Photography 

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