I feel most comfortable (and pretty!) when I'm wearing a dress. I love the ease, the femininity and of course, the fact that I don't have to worry about separate pieces to complete the look. Emily and CK, founders of Shabby Apple.com feel the same way and that's why they created a site that is dedicated to providing women with stylish dresses that cover enough skin to make you feel comfortable without needing to add a tank top, cardigan or slip.

Shabby Apple is designed to help anyone find a dress that fits well with great tools including a quiz to determine body type followed by specific recommendations and "Dear Shabby" an email function that allows you to email a stylist and receive a response within 72 hours. There's even a great maternity section for all those stylish mama's to be out there. You can also find out the latest Shabby Apple news on their blog. Save 20% now by entering Summer20 at checkout! (Excludes Manhattan, Skyscraper, Bridemaid, Accessories)

Shabby Apple is designed to help anyone find a dress that fits well with great tools including a quiz to determine body type followed by specific recommendations and "Dear Shabby" an email function that allows you to email a stylist and receive a response within 72 hours. There's even a great maternity section for all those stylish mama's to be out there. You can also find out the latest Shabby Apple news on their blog. Save 20% now by entering Summer20 at checkout! (Excludes Manhattan, Skyscraper, Bridemaid, Accessories)
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